I feel like I am always playing catch up with blogging. I am the world's worst procrastinator and I am always putting things off. Instead of leaving frequent short posts, I constantly find myself with the long weekly posts in an attempt to share the comings and goings of our family with everyone. Oh well, eventually, I am sure I will get the hang of this.
The past couple of days have been could and rainy, but the beginning of the week was absolutely beautiful. We really took advantage of the nice weather and spent alot of time outside. This is a picture of Kayla at my mom's house - she enjoyed playing with a new bubble set she got. She also, loves chasing my mom's dog, Lucy, all over the yard.
Here is Mikayla riding her new tricycle that the Easter Bunny gave her. We quickly learned to only ride around on level areas with her at this point. She is pretty good at pedaling, but if she has a hard time going up even a slight incline - you end up spending most of your time pushing her. If you are going down a hill, you better be right behind her, because she can't steer or brake, so you're having to help her avoid any crashes. Oh well, we will keep it up and she will soon get the hang of it.
Monday, March 31, 2008
I am behind....again
Posted by Rachel at 10:48 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Happy Easter!
Well, I am finally getting around to posting some pics from our wonderful Easter weekend.
On Saturday, we went to my in-laws home to spend time with them. Kathy had a friend of hers from work over to share in the festivities. Her husband, daughter and grandson were there as well. Her grandson, Liam, is a couple of weeks younger than Mikayla. The kids had a lot of fun together. Mikayla had so much fun hunting for Easter eggs. She had been talking all week about it. It was funny to watch the kids hunt the eggs. Mikayla would see an egg a ways off and pass over 2-3 eggs on her way to go get that one.
My in-laws have this lovely swing in their backyard that the kids sat down halfway through for a little candy break during the hunt. They were so cute.
We had such a nice time with my in-laws. We are so lucky to be able to live so close to both of our families. I like not having to choose who we see during holidays. It is such a blessing!
Saturday night we colored Easter eggs. Mikayla was so determinted to do everything "all by myself, because I am a big girl!" She only cracked one egg in the process, so I say that she did pretty good.
I love having church at 11:30. It was nice to not have to rush through Easter Bunny stuff, and have that time together as a family. The Easter Bunny was very generous this year and brought Mikayla a tricycle for Easter. The Easter Bunny tends to take a little pity on the little girl with a Birthday and Christmas so close together. However, I think this will be the last year for that, now that Gavin has arrived.
Mikayla loved her new tricycle and was quite bummed that it was too cold outside to ride it.
After church, we headed down to my parent's home for an Easter Egg hunt and dinner. This was a fun Easter because Aunt Emmy was there this year - we haven't spent Easter with her since she started college. We did miss Aunt Lollie though! It was a little cooler Sunday than it was on Saturday, but Mikayla had just as much fun on her second Easter Egg hunt.
We got some cute pics of the kids in their Easter outfits. We had to be quick, because Gavin's outfit had short sleeves and I couldn't find anything to put over is outfit that didn't look girly.
What a cutie!!!
This is a picture of Gavin in a "First Easter" outift that I found at Target and couldn't resist buying. It came complete with a bunny ears hat and little pants that had bunnies on the feet and a cotton ball on the bum. I am sure I will hear about this outfit one day from him!
My mom got Mikayla some bunny ears and I couldn't resist taking a picture of my two little Easter Bunnies together. Aren't they the cutest kids ever?!?!
Posted by Rachel at 10:23 PM 4 comments
5 months old!!
Posted by Rachel at 10:13 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
One of those days!
Posted by Rachel at 11:13 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Daddy's Breakfast
Posted by Rachel at 2:58 PM 0 comments
St. Patty's Day
Posted by Rachel at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Posted by Rachel at 9:32 AM 1 comments
Spring storms
I added some pictures that I got off of the local news sight of the tornadoes. When you look at the one on top, the tornado that hit downtown Atlanta is the thin gray strip in the sky. That one caused all of the downtown damage to Centennial Olympic Park, the World Congress Center, and the Georgia Dome.
Posted by Rachel at 1:37 AM 0 comments
Gavin's favorite pasttime
I was able to capture Gavin blowing bubbles and playing the other day. I am so happy I caught this on film. He was doing it alot there for a little bit, but he doesn't do it as often anymore. He is such a little cutey!
Posted by Rachel at 12:39 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Another week gone..
Well, I have had a hard time trying to figure what to blog about the past couple of days. It has been hard because nothing "exciting" has been going on. I have decided to just share the everyday things that are my life. It may not be very interesting, but I love it. I love my kids and all of the normal and crazy things that they do. Gavin is such a smiley boy. He is so laid back and easy going. For the most part, the only time he cries is when he is hungry. You better move fast on that request,though, for he can go to a big frowny face and crocodile tears VERY quick.
The other day while I was feeding Gavin, Mikayla was very insistent upon getting dressed so that she could go outside and play. I explained to her that she needed to wait. She then informed me, "I can do it all by myself! I am a big girl!" This is definitely her favorite phrase right now. She says it all of the time. The sad part for me is that she is so right - she is growing up way too fast. Anyway, Mikayla proceeded to go upstairs, pull a stool in to her closet, pick out clothes to wear, and get herself dressed. I was very impressed with her perseverance witht his task.
While Mikayla was playing outside. I sat in the dining room where I could see her and put together Gavin's highchair. We have been feeding him in his bouncy seat, but that is proving to be quite a messy adventure. I have rice cereal all over the bouncy seat cover and it isn't very easy to clean up without throwing it in the washing machine. So far, I am very pleased with this highchair. Gavin looks so small in the chair! I remember when Mikayla looked like that in her chair and how quickly she filled it up.
This is Gavin trying to hold his bottle. Jeremy is very much looking forward to this achievement. Look at that big smile!! Speaking of achievments, Gavin rolled over this week!! He did it while I was at work the other night (this was a little sad for me - this was the first "first" that I have ever missed). I have only seen him do it twice, but apparantly he loves to do it for Jeremy - must be somthing that is just for the boys to share ;-).
I bought Gavin a Bumbo chair at a consignment sale this week. Everyone (Gavin, Mikayla and even Haley) seem to like it. I also had another good consignment buy this week. I found a Chicco stroller in near mint condition for $30. I needed a new umbrella stroller and I really wanted one with a five point harness. Mikayla is always trying to lean over and touch the wheels - I don't think I need to list the multitude of reasons that I don't want that to continue. I was pretty excited. I love consignment sales. I love to buy cute playclothes there. I love being able to send her out to play in something cute and not worry about it getting dirty, because I only paid about $4-$5 for the outfit. I also have alot of luck finding very adorable dresses in very good condition for her at even better prices.
This is a picture I took yesterday of Mikayla's first pony tail. Mikayla has been very slow to get hair in her short little life. She was pretty much bald until she was 18 months old. When she was almost two, I was able to start putting very small barrettes in her hair. She had her first haircut last summer shen she was 2 1/2 years old. This will be the first year that I will be able to put all of her hair up instead of just the top half.
Well, there is a look into the life of a mom. Again, it may not seem that interesting, but these are the little things that I look forward to everyday.
Posted by Rachel at 11:32 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I survived!
Well, Jeremy went on his first business trip since we have become parents to two children. In the past, I have usually stayed at my mom's house, but it just wasn't feasible this week. We didn't have anyone to take care of the dog, Mikayla had preschool, I had activity days at church, and so on and so on. I have to say we did pretty good. On Tuesday after the kids were in bed, I got pretty bored and cleaned the entire house except for the vaccuming. The bigger accomplishment is that it stayed clean all week!! I also used the alone time to organize some items that I will be selling at a consignment sale next week. The last thing on my "list" that I accomplished was decorating the kid's rooms. This is going to sound like I am slacker mom of the year, but since we had painted their rooms back in August, I hadn't gotten around to putting anything on their walls. I was sick of looking at bare walls so I set aside the time and finished it this week. I will post pictures later - Gavin is currently napping in his room!! (A big step from up from only napping in his swing!!)
The only downside of the week were my two sick little kids. Gavin developed a cold and fever on Thursday. Mikaya followed with the cold on Friday. Gavin's fever is gone, but they both have thick green goo coming from their noses. Gavin was a horrible sleeper for two nights, but last night he was back to normal (thank goodness!)
Even though it was a good week, I was so thankful to have Jeremy come home on Friday night and end my stent as a single parent. Two is definitely better than one!
Posted by Rachel at 11:06 AM 1 comments
Tag about Jeremy
My cousin, Michelle tagged me several weeks ago. I am finally getting around to doing this so here I go.
1. What are your names? Jeremy and Rachel
2. How long have you been married? 6 1/2 years
3. How long did you date? We met in November of my senior year of high school when I was 17. We were together for almost 5 years when we got married.
4. How old are you? I am turning 29 this year and Jeremy will be 30.
5. Who eats more? Jeremy definitely does at meals. However, I tend to snack more than he does.
6. Who said I love you first? He did, but I quickly replied, because I had felt that way for a little bit by then (I was just too scared to say it first!).
7. Who is smarter? We each have our different subjects that we are smarter at.
8. Whose temper is worse? Definitely mine.
9. Who does the laundry? Me 95% of the time. Occasionally Jeremy will throw a load in the wash and then into the dryer, however, it never makes it out of the dryer when he does it.
10. Who does the dishes? We both do the dishes. Jeremy usually does the dishes after dinner and I do most of the others. He is very good at unloading the dishwasher for me, too.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
12. Who pays the bills? I pay all of the bills. Thanks to online billpay, it is so easy now.
13. Who cooks dinner? Me!
14. Who drives when you are together? Jeremy does.
15. Who is more stubborn? We both can be pretty stubborn, but I am usually the worst.
16. Whose parents do you see the most? I see mine more while Jeremy is working.
17. Who proposed? Jeremy did.
18. Who has more friends? Jeremy does. I have just a couple close friends.
19. Who has more siblings? I do.
20. Who wears the pants in the family? I don't like to think of our marriage in that way. I think it is a pretty equal partnership.
Okay, I am tagging all of you who are reading this.
Posted by Rachel at 10:44 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Busy couple of weeks
It has been a busy couple of weeks at our house. I think the only time I have been able to sit down for any significant amount of time is when Gavin has nursed.
First of all, my dear sweet Mammaw passed away this past weekend. She had been sick with Alzheimer's Disease for along time, so in some ways, it was good to see her pain end. The hardest part has been seeing the loss that my Granddad has endured. He loved her so much and took such good care of her until the very end. Our family gathered together on Sunday and Monday to pay our respects and remember her. She was a wonderful person and a loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I wish my kids would have had the opportunity to know her.
On a lighter note, on February 22nd Gavin turned 4 months old. We went for his four month check up last Wednesday. He is growing like a little weed, but definitely not along the same path as his big sister. Mikayla was always in the 75th-100th percentiles for everything until she started walking. Gavin is proving to have more of his daddy's build - long and lean. He weighed 14 lbs. 2 oz (40%), he was 25 1/4 inches long (60%), and his head was 16 inches around (the 20% - a huge difference from Mikayla's!!) He is meeting all of his milestones and is exceeding some as well. We have also made advances in his sleeping habits. He now will fall asleep in HIS OWN bed. He wakes up around 2:30am to eat where I usually end up bringing him back to bed because I am so tired. I am off from work for most of this week, so I am hoping to muster up enough energy (and will power) to put him back to bed for the remainder of the night. The pediatrician told me he doesn't need to eat in the middle of the night, but I am having a hard time breaking him of this - it's hard to deny a child something that they are literally reaching and clawing foor (does this mean that I am a pushover???) He is growing so fast - I can hardly believe it! My friend Sarah just had a sweet baby girl this past week. I was visiting her today and holding Avery - it was hard to believe that Gavin was that little just 4 months ago. I don't know if I am ready for him to get big yet!
Here is a cute picture of him in an outfit that his Aunt Ashley bought for him. I also thought that I would throw in a picture of my "big girl" Mikayla. She is such a sweet girl and definitely my little helper. Even with all of the drama that comes with being a 3 year old little girl I absolutley can't get enough of her. She is my little angel (with an occasionally crooked halo ;-) )
Posted by Rachel at 9:58 PM 3 comments