So, my little girl will be starting Kindergarten in just a little over a week. Yesterday, we had a her evaluation where they see how much she knows so that they can place her in the appropriate class. She came out and said, “I knew most things, but I had a hard time with a couple things.” I just told her that as long as she tried her hardest, I was happy and she should be, too.
Today, she had her Kindergarten Bus Round Up. For this, Mikayla and I got to walk down to the bus stop and we were picked by her bus driver. Her name is Ms. Sandra and she seems really nice. Mikayla was a little apprehensive at first, but that lasted for about two seconds. When we got on the bus, there were other kids already on the bus that begged her to sit with them. She bonded with one little girl in particular and by the time that we got to school, they were “best friends.” Even though her starting Kindergarten has been a little hard on me, Mikayla’s wonderful ability to easily adapt and make friends easily has made it so much easier on me. I know she will do great and have a wonderful time…it’s her mommy that is going to have the hardest time. :)
These kids look super excited to start school don’t they?
Mikayla with her new best friend. :)
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