Last night, after it stopped snowing, I went outside and got a final “total” as to how much snow we got – 3 inches! I have seen that much accumulation in years. We have had so much fun playing in all of this snow.
Also, a fun fact that I heard yesterday. The local weather man said that for the first time in documented history, there was snow in ALL 50 states. I thought that was pretty neat. We headed out early this morning to play with Daddy a little bit before he had to go to work. It’s amazing how much energy those two little ones have at 8:30am!
We had some fun sledding down our icy driveway.
Kayla also made some top notch snow angels. We don’t usually get enough snow on the ground to actually be able to see a good outline of the angel – this one turned out great!
We tried to make a snowman, but had some trouble. The snow was pretty powdery and wouldn’t pack together. So we ended up making more of a snow hill that I tried to sculpt a head out of at the top. Jeremy thought it looked more like an Oompa Loompa snowman. The kids were happy with it though, so that is all that mattered.
After playing outside for a while, we came inside to enjoy some cinnamon rolls (with the icing dyed red for Valentine’s Day) and hot chocolate.
After eating lunch and putting Gavin down for a nap, Kayla and I headed back outside for some more fun in the snow before it all melted. The good part about the snow starting to melt, though, is that the snow was a good consistency for making a snowman.
First, we made this one in our backyard. The sun doesn’t hit back there as much as it does in our front yard, so Mikayla is hoping that he will stick around for a couple of days.
This one, we made out of the snow hill. I carved out his bottom half a little bit and added to the top – I think it turned out pretty good!
As you can see from the pictures, the snow is already starting to melt almost as quickly as it came in. It made for a fun couple of days and lots of memories, though!
Thank you for posting those wonderful photographs of those beautiful children in the snow.... And thank you guys for being fantastic parents to them....
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