I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great time spending some time with my family. Both of my sisters and their families were in town this week, so it was especially fun to be able to spend time with them. My mom found these cute hats in the dollar bin at Target. Mikayla had a lot of fun wearing that all day.
On Thanksgiving Eve, Mikayla, my mom and I made these place cards. We had a great time working together and succeeded in keeping little hands off of the M&Ms prior to other people consuming them. (That was no small feat!)
We have about reached the capacity of my mom’s dining room. I think there will definitely be a “kiddie” table needed in the near future.
It was so nice to have so much family there together. The only person that was missing was my brother and his girlfriend (they were out of town with her family). The more our family grows, the harder it is to get us all together. I feel very fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life.
We think my dad is the master of being able to get EVERYTHING on his plate. Most of us had to do things in shifts, but he was able to pack it all on. So funny!
I am so grateful for my family and the opportunity to spend time with them. I miss those that I wasn’t able to see yesterday, but I hope they all know I missed them and love them.
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