Yesterday, Gavin went to his first day of preschool. All week, when asked, he would say, “I not go to school!” So, needless to say, I was a little concerned with how he would do. Yesterday morning however, he seemed really excited to go to school just like his big sister.
My handsome preschooler. :)
Mikayla wanted to get in on the picture action, too.
When I dropped Gavin off in the carpool line, he pretty much screamed as they carried him into his classroom. This made me a little teary, but I knew that he would calm down soon and have lots of fun. When I picked him up, he was SO excited to see me, but he also told me about how much fun he had playing with his new friends and on the playground. Another bonus to the day is that we had no potty accidents. We have been potty training for about 3 weeks. He has been doing fairly well at home, but he hadn’t been under the responsibility of anyone else yet. I took a leap of faith and it worked out! :) I received an email from his teacher yesterday and she told me that he only cried for a short period of time at the beginning and then again at the end of the day, but that he had a great time in between. I am so glad that he had a nice time. After school, we picked up some McDonald’s, went home and ate our lunch together on the back patio. We have had great weather and I really enjoyed my lunch date with my sweet boy. He just needs to slow down a little bit on this growing up thing!
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