Monday, February 18, 2008

My Valentine Sweeties

Well, I have finally found a moment to get my pictures downloaded and blog about Valentine's Day. I had to work on Valentine's Day, so it wasn't as big a day for us as it usually is, but it still turned out pretty nice.
I had signed up to help with the Valentine's Party at Mikayla's preschool. I was asked to bring the balloons and other decorations. I was so pleased to find some very cute Froggy Valentine balloons at the dollar store. At such a great price, I was able to get enough for all of the kids to take one home. Jeremy didn't haven't to go in to work until late, so I was able to leave Gavin at home and spend some quality time with Mikayla. It was a nice morning.
Since I had to work on Valentine's night, Jeremy and I went out last Saturday night. We left the kids with my mom and headed to dinner. Sadly, this was our first date since Gavin was born. It was very nice. After having a very nice night together, I have resolved that we need to do this more often. There are several advantages living close to family and we need to jump on them. There is absolutely no excuse to live close to two sets of grandparents and an aunt and not go out at least once a month.
I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day and was able to snuggle up close to their sweeties!


kathymatthews927 said...

What cuties!!! I agree take advantage of the "Grands" amd Auntie. We are always anxious for time with our babies.