So, I know I am a little late with this post, but I was having to wait for pictures from family members, and well, I have been enjoying summer vacation with the kids some!
Mikayla graduated from Preschool on Thursday, May 20th. They had a great little program that they presented to their families. I just sat their so happy for my sweet girl, but also a little sad. She is growing up so fast and I just feel like my years with her are just flying by. I love watching her grow up and develop into a little person, but I just wish it would happen a little bit more slowly.
My sister, Laura, made this cute little graduation announcement that we gave out to our family. I thought it was a fun way to commemorate the day. The picture was taken by a company that came to Mikayla’s preschool. I thought she looked so precious!
This is Mikayla as she came down the aisle of the Sanctuary for her program. As you can see, she was so incredibly happy to have her family their to support her.
I know these aren’t the best pictures, but I thought I would still post them for my own documentation. Mikayla with her family right after her graduation. As you can see, Gavin was just about done after having to sit for nearly 1 1/2 hours.
After her ceremony, I had our family come back to our house for a little dessert. And yes, I did decorate Mikayla’s cake to match her dress. I am a little OCD like that sometimes. :)
Mommy and Mikayla. I just love this little girl!