One thing I have learned since Mikayla has started Kindergarten is how much more hectic my schedule is now! With two children in two schools, the weeks before holidays get pretty busy. I can only imagine how crazy things will be once we add #3!
At Mikayla’s school, the entire Kindergarten sang a variety of Holiday songs. I loved watching Mikayla actually participate – she is historically known for just sitting there during programs and not joining in too terribly much.
She was one happy little girl that Grandma was able to come. Gavin came to this program, too. I wizened up this time though! The program was first thing in the morning in the cafeteria. I opted to buy Gavin a breakfast (even thought he had already eaten at home) – it kept him quiet and occupied.
After the program, the children went back to the classroom for their little party and some crafts.
I love that her teachers are always offering to take pictures of us together. I don’t have too many of those!
The next morning, Gavin had his Christmas program. Jeremy was able to join me for this one which was so nice for me!
My little angel did a great job singing. I was a little worried at one point when he caught site of Jeremy and I. I was just sure he was going to run from the stage to me. He was satisfied with lots of smiles and waves, though. (Thank goodness!)
Afterwards, the children returned to their classroom and did a little craft and then had some yummy treats. Gavin did a great job on his gingerbread man – he insisted on doing it all by himself!
It’s always fun seeing my children with their peers and performing fun songs. I just love it!
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