Thursday, April 28, 2011

I love to see the Temple….

For those of you that may not know, we belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  As a church community, we have had a special opportunity these past couple of weeks.  The Atlanta Temple closed its doors just a little less than two years ago for renovations.  Well they have finished them and the temple opened its doors to the public prior to its dedication this coming Sunday. 

Jeremy and I have crazy schedules, but we were glad to be able to find one night last week that we could take the children down to walk through the temple.  It was absolutely magnificent inside.   I was so grateful for the opportunity we had to do this tour as a family.


This is a pic of the front of the temple just before we went inside. 


My dad to this picture of us after the tour.  We didn’t expect to see him there, so that was a special treat for us.  The kids were so happy for a surprise visit with Papa!


My sweet little children….I can’t wait until there is another little girl in that picture with them! Smile

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Circus Day Fun

Gavin’s preschool held their annual Circus Day.  This was Gavin’s first one, and he was so excited to go!


Their “admission” to the circus is a costume.  Does he not make a cute little Woody??


I think his favorite part was the pony ride – very fitting for my little cowboy.


The bounce house was also a hit!


They had tons of games that Gavin had a lot of fun with.  He got prizes with each one and left with a bag full of treats and trinkets. 

Jeremy and I had so much fun getting to hang out with our little man.  He is getting so big!  I just love watching him play and listening to him talk.  He says that funniest things these days.  It was a fun morning!

Ikea trip

I needed to make a trip to Ikea to get some furniture pieces for the house.  The kids had been wanting to go down so I thought we would make an outing of it.

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We first started with some lunch at the CafĂ©.  We were excited that it was Kids Eat Free weekend – nice little bonus! Smile


Ikea has a Kids Club where you can drop off the kids for 45 minutes while you shop.  Gavin and Mikayla thoroughly enjoyed themselves there – I enjoyed getting to look around the showroom and pick out my items without my little helpers. Smile

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This is a pic of the kids sitting on the dresser and dining room chairs that we bought.  The were super patient while we waited in line.

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I decided that their excellent behavior deserved $1 frozen yogurt cones.  We also treated ourselves to a tray of their super yummy cinnamon rolls (we ate those over a couple of days once we got home). 

It was a fun day together and a nice way to close out Mikayla’s Spring Break.  I loved having the opportunity to spend some extra time with both of my children.  With Mikayla in school now, I miss some of the time with her that we used to spend together.  It was a good week!

Spring Break at the Zoo

Pay attention to the title because you will never see that combination of words on this blog again!  While Mikayla was on Spring Break, Jeremy took a couple of days off so that we could have some good family fun together.   We decided a day at the zoo would be a lot of fun.  We had great weather, so it seemed like a good plan.  Now, we knew it would be busier than we were used to, but we were totally unprepared for how busy it truly would be.  When we got there, we quickly realized there was NO parking at the zoo, so we parked about a half mile (maybe more) away and then walked through Grant Park to get to the zoo.  Thankfully we had pre-purchased our tickets so we didn’t have to stand in the crazy long line to get inside the park.  After we got in, there were people EVERYWHERE.  So one would think we wouldn’t have enjoyed ourselves.  However, we had a great time.  The kids were so well-behaved and listened beautifully.  The animals were out everywhere and the kids really enjoyed seeing them.  Despite the crazy crowds, we had a really nice time together as a family. 


Spring Time fun

Playing catch up…again!  We have been having a good bit of fun which I guess has not left a lot of time for blogging. 

We have had a beautiful spring here in the south.  The temperature has just been perfect!  The kids are outside almost every afternoon.  We have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. (as you can see!)
