For those of you that may not know, we belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As a church community, we have had a special opportunity these past couple of weeks. The Atlanta Temple closed its doors just a little less than two years ago for renovations. Well they have finished them and the temple opened its doors to the public prior to its dedication this coming Sunday.
Jeremy and I have crazy schedules, but we were glad to be able to find one night last week that we could take the children down to walk through the temple. It was absolutely magnificent inside. I was so grateful for the opportunity we had to do this tour as a family.
This is a pic of the front of the temple just before we went inside.
My dad to this picture of us after the tour. We didn’t expect to see him there, so that was a special treat for us. The kids were so happy for a surprise visit with Papa!
My sweet little children….I can’t wait until there is another little girl in that picture with them!